Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The New Shop--Division Street

‘The New Shop’ Sheffield has quite a reputation for being home to a treasure trove of vintage shops. Last month saw the opening of The New Shop, a new store on the scene, located along Division Street, where Gstar Raw once stood. The New Shop has no affiliation with the vintage shop which had recently closed next door, ‘It’s not vintage it’s second hand’, and is undoubtedly very different from it. A bare warehouse this is not, there is no need to browse through rack upon rack of garish dresses from the 80s in order to find something that wouldn’t look completely bizarre. Nope, the shopping experience at The New Shop is quite the contrary. The shop is filled with handpicked garments, that are both unique yet wearable..and best of all, cheap! Although the owner, Paul, is new to the vintage scene, he says that buying second hand clothes is ‘exciting’ and ultimately something which has longevity, despite disputes that the scene is in decline.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Va va voom

Gone is the reliable sleek and straight style that has been popular for the past 20 years. Say hello to the comeback of voluminous hair. Here's how:

Resist lathering pver-processed hair with a whole bottle of conditioner, although you may think that you're doing it the world of good, the result is often lank and greasy. If your locks aren't in the best of condition, instead of using a moisturising shampoo and conditioner, use hair products that contain protein. Redken do an amazing range (Extreme by Redken) for hair that is distressed, yet not too dry. Perfect for those with slighly over processed fine hair, although probably not the best if you have bleached your hair to straw, as it may leave it quite dry.
Loreal have also brought out a similar range (Triple Resist) which is slightly more moisturising.

After shampooing, apply conditioner to the ends only. Once this is washed out, brush your hair with a wide toothed comb and apply mousse (such as Kerastase Resistance). Towel dry hair, and apply another generous dollop of the product. Seperate hair in to sections, and blow dry using a barrel brush.
Finish off with applying serum (such as Morrocan Oil), to the ends.